More Than Reports Podcast
In More Than Reports, Paul and Alex explore the many ways in which data technology can be used by small and midsize businesses to promote transformational growth. We talk openly about the opportunities and challenges companies face as they try to make sense of an increasingly complex environment. Together with our expert guests we break the facts away from the hype and never lose sight of our target: value.
The Value of a Data Solution
In this episode, Paul and Alex examine the challenges of justifying investments in data technology
Success Lies in the Data Team
Explore how the data team is more important than the technology itself. Find out how
Businesses Depend on Information Systems to Function
With so many systems around, should growing companies invest on reporting systems? How far can
Welcome to More Than Reports
Welcome to More Than Reports, a podcast for business leaders looking for that edge that

A Mobile World
Recently I subscribed to Starlink, and I want to talk a little bit today about

Categories of Reports
Before I get into this episode, I want to apologize for missing episodes over the

Every Company Uses Business Intelligence
I want to talk about something that’s come top of mind for me, how business

Estimated Effort
How To Estimate the Effort to Build Reporting Solutions I want to talk about a

What is Business Intelligence
This week I want to do something a little bit different. I’m heading off to