Category: DWA Platform

Component Portability

LeapFrogBI account administrators configure project lifecycles in the project console. Each connection contains a definition for each lifecycle. After creating all of the required project

Use the Right Tool for the Job

Building a data mart can be broken down into three distinct steps. Extact data from source system Transform data to desired structure Load data into

Late Arriving Dimensions

When building a dimensional model it is critical that facts have accurate foreign keys pointing back to related dimensions.  However, there are some situations where

Add Custom Scripts to Components

Users can now add custom scripts to components. For example, add indexes or update statistics using t-sql scripts. Built components will include the provided custom

Bulk Profile Upload

LeapFrogBI is a SaaS metadata driven ETL platform.  At no time does LeapFrogBI connect directly to either the source or the destination systems.  Therefore, the first

Fact Record Delete Component

The new f9001 component automates deletion of records from a fact table. Simply select the fact table to effect and a source to inner join

Stage Using REST API as Data Source

There is a wealth of data available via REST API much of which is publicly available.  LeapFrogBI simplifies and automates the process of extracting data from

Multiple File Stage Made Simple

The Multi-File Stage s9600 template provides a simple method to stage many files with the same structure.  The following steps describe how to setup this component.

FTP File/s Stage – s9500

The FTP File Stage s9500 template provides a simple method to collect one or more files from an FTP server.  The following steps describe how to