The State of a Data Team at Small and Midsized Companies

Clock face with arrow showing upward growth over time

LeapFrogBI researched 1,800 companies on LinkedIn, 95% of which had 1,000 or less employees. We were specifically looking at companies in healthcare, insurance, or banking. We looked for employees whose job titles indicate their main activities revolve around business reporting, data, and analytics.

Here are some key cohort findings and charts:

1.     Full-time data workers are still a tiny fraction of the workforce. The meaningful metric landed us at ‘Data Workers per 1,000 Employees’.

2.     Our metric accelerates relative to the count of total employees, suggesting that growing companies value their data, but also that employing data professionals demands financial capacity.

3.     We observed that when companies reach 500 to 600 employees, there’s a significant jump in the average size of data teams. That might be the organizational size at which managers feel they absolutely need more sophisticated instruments to steer the ship.

4.     Data workers per 1,000 employees inflects at 700 employees and starts to decrease thereafter, which we suppose might be the point at which economies of scale take effect.

State of Data Team Analytics
Size of Data Team per Number of Employees

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