Author: Paul B. Felix

Deploying Component Modifications

The LeapFrogBI platform provides a toolset that not only streamlines initial data mart deployment, but also greatly simplifies incremental modification tasks.  There are a few

Schema? Prefix? Both or None?

When building SQL Server data warehouses should user-defined schemas be used?  Should tables and views be prefixed? Or, maybe we should do both.  After talking

Existing Template Source SQL

The LeapFrogBI DWA platform enables the use of existing tables and views.  For example, when extending a data mart there will be existing dimensions that

Record DateTime Explained

When creating a PSA component, the designer is asked to assign a value to RecordDateTime. The selected value will have implications downstream on both fact

Handling Failed FK Lookup

When a fact component attempts to load a record, a foreign key to a dimension lookup is performed.  This lookup (join) may fail if the dimension